
Harsgor, Liran. 2024. “The Young and the Hawkish: Generational Differences in Conflict Attitudes in Israel“, Research & Politics, 11(2).

Lavi, Liron, Clareta Treger, Naama Rivlin, Tamir Sheafer, Israel Waismel-Manor, Shaul Shenhav, Liran Harsgor, and Michal Shamir, “The Pitkinian Public: Representation in the Eyes of Citizens“, European Political Science

Harsgor, Liran and Alon Yakter. 2024. “Public Preferences for Intergroup Assistance in Conflicts Facing Joint External Threats: Lessons from COVID-19 in Israel“, Journal of Conflict Resolution, 68(7-8): 1522-1551.

Oshri, Odelia, Liran Harsgor, Reut Itzkovich Malka and Or Tuttnauer. 2023. “Risk Aversion and the Gender Gap in the Vote for Populist Radical Right Parties”, American Journal of Political Science, 67(3): 701-707.   |YouTube|

Yakter, Alon and Liran Harsgor. 2023. “Long-term Change in Conflict Attitudes: A Dynamic Perspective“, British Journal of Political Science, 53(2), 460-478.

Atmor, Nir, Liran Harsgor and Ofer Kenig. 2023. “Campaign Expenditures and Electoral Outcomes in Israeli Legislative Primaries: A Financial Gender Gap?”, International Political Science Review, 44(1), 27-42.

Harsgor, Liran, Reut Itzkovich-Malka and Or Tuttnauer. 2023. “Do Coalition and Formateur Expectations Affect Vote Switching?”, European Political Science Review, 15(1): 96-115.

Harsgor, Liran and Neil Nevitte. 2022. “Do Leader Evaluations (De)Mobilize Voter Turnout? Lessons from Presidential Elections in the US“, Politics and Governance, 10(4): 361-373.

Kedar, Orit, Liran Harsgor and Or Tuttnauer. 2021. “Permissibility of Electoral Systems: A New Look at an Old Question”. Journal of Politics, 83(2): 439-452 [Publisher’s version]

Harsgor, Liran. 2018. “The Partisan Gender Gap in the US: A Generational Replacement?”, Public Opinion Quarterly, 82(2): 231-251.

Eizenberg, Raz A. and Liran Harsgor. 2017. “Apples and Oranges: Putting Electoral Thresholds in Context”. In The Elections in Israel 2015, Michal Shamir and Gideon Rahat (eds.), New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers, p. 47-69. [Hebrew version]

Kedar, Orit, Liran Harsgor and Raz A. Sheinerman. 2016. “Are Voters Equal Under Proportional Representation?American Journal of Political Science, 60(3): 676-691.

Chapters in Hebrew

Oshri, Odelia, Liran Harsgor and Reut Itzkovich Malka . 2020. “Politics of Recognition and Redistribution: The Effect of Feminist Consciousness on Vote Choice”. In Gender Gaps in Israeli Politics, Michal Shamir, Hanna Herzog and Naomi Chazan (eds.), Tel Aviv: Van Leer Institute Press and Hakibbutz Hameuchad Publishing Press, p. 87-114 [in Hebrew].

Working Papers

Yakter, Alon and Liran Harsgor. “Disentangling the Relationship Between Prospective Expectations and Policy Preferences in Violent Conflicts”, under review

Lavi, Liron, and Liran Harsgor. “Surrogate Representation by Parties: A Cross-National Perspective“, under review

“Patterns of Party Conflict over COVID-19 Regulation at the Supra-National Level: An Investigation of Roll-Call Voting Behavior in the EP” (with Michael Jankowski and Simon Otjes)